Category: War

Stuart Seldowitz: Tool or Fixer. You Decide.

The recent incident, gone viral, of former Obama Administration official Stuart Seldowitz harrassing and brow-beating ordinary workers inside a food truck has struck a nerve. It not only put on full display the bankruptcy of US policy when it comes to Israel and the Middle East, but also the consistency of this policy across administrations. Republican and Democrat alike. For African-Americans it yet further confirmation that Obama, rather than being the second incarnation of JFK era Camelot,  was instead Bush Jr. lite. That Obama could take counsel from such a man as Seldowitz is beyond disturbing but astounding and perplexing if one buys into the narrative on Obama pushed by the political establishment. AS it turns out, Obama was no less faithful servant of Empire and the Oligarchy as all the Presidents that preceded him and those that followed. Who Knew? People in the know like me did. But I digress. This is about Seldowitz.

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Make A Better American

Recently, I learned that 71 percent of young Americans between 17 and 24 are ineligible to serve in the military. That is, over 24 million of the 34 million young people cannot join the armed forces—even if they wanted to–they’re physically unfit. Likely it is this unfitness for military duty of much of the young American population, rather than fake concern over Iranian lives, that contributed to Trump’s eleventh-hour decision to halt the recent intended attack on Iran. Continue reading

What’s it going to Take?

Note: This is an older post from my Blogger days.

What follows is comment left at the WSWS in regard to a piece dealing with the connection between the war In Iraq, but in the larger view US imperialism in general, and the abandonment of a major American city in the aftermath of a natural disaster. Money used for bombs is money not used for social needs or the rescue of an entire city truck by disaster. Continue reading

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