Tag: militarism

What’s it going to Take?

Note: This is an older post from my Blogger days.

What follows is comment left at the WSWS in regard to a piece dealing with the connection between the war In Iraq, but in the larger view US imperialism in general, and the abandonment of a major American city in the aftermath of a natural disaster. Money used for bombs is money not used for social needs or the rescue of an entire city truck by disaster. Continue reading

The Arctic, Russia and WW III: A Dialogue Between Me and R

Note: This is an older post from my Blogger days.

Me: The tie-in between the Arctic and Middle-East (as Pepe Escobar puts it) “pipelineistan” completes the circle. So, here is the plan, keep the Russians and Iranians (unless, of course, they fall into submission) from supplying Europe and China, seize the Arctic  and so save the petro-dollar and control all of Euro-Asia to boot. So says Zbignew Bryzinski in the pages of the Grand Chess Board. The problem for the US is that the Russians and Chinese are excellent Chess players. Whatever interests Putin serves, he and the rest of the Russian leadership are head and shoulders above the likes of Obama, Nuland, Power, Kerry et al. Probably can say the same for the Chinese. Ours is simply a bunch of brutish, un-polished gangsters in comparison. To bad only some of us are listening.

R:  The U.S. can’t seize the Arctic. The longest shoreline is Russia’s. It would take WW III. I don’t believe we’re going that far.  But there will certainly be a tussle about oil fields in the Arctic.  I agree that the Russians and Chinese are good chess players.  We just barge in and bomb places. Continue reading

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